We have a lot of neighborhood activity the next week.
This Saturday of course brings us Halloween. If you've never been in the city during halloween before, neighbors hang out on their stoops and greet kids at the sidewalk with goodies. Join your neighbors and combine stoops and make a fun evening of it. Remembering, being a Saturday the kids usually hit the sidewalks a little earlier than a week night Halloween.
Ringgold park will also be holding their halloween festivities from 4-6 on Saturday. Setup begins at 2pm if you'd like to help out. Contact ringgoldpark@gmail.com to help out, or for more information on joining the Friends of Ringgold.
On Sunday, November 1, Watson park will be hosting a cleanup. (Corner of Taylor and Milford) Join people in the park at 11am to help rake leaves and plant bulbs for the spring. Afterward we'll head to Berkeley and help them plant some bulbs... contact watsonpark @ eightstreets.org if you would like to get more involved with the Friends.
Tuesday, November 3 brings us election day. Polls are open 7am-8pm. Eight Streets votes at Cathedral High School Gym, corner of Washington and Union Park. This is a city election, and only City Councilors will be on our ballot. We will be voting on our District 2 councilor, and 4 Councilors at large. Please make every effort to vote, as city hall sees low turnout as lack of interest in all things government.
Wednesday November 4 brings us an Alley Safety Walk-through. We'll walk through ESNA Alleys with BPD officer Richie Litto who will tell us how we can keep our alleys and rear yards safer. These walk-throughs have been successful and informative in the past, so if you have not yet joined us for one, please come along! This year we will walk the Shawmut alleys between Shawmut and Ringgold/Bond/Taylor, ending up in Watson park. Meet at the corner of Ringgold and Waltham by 6:30. If you are an abutter let us know and we can visit your specific yard...
And of course pencil in Tuesday, November 10 for our monthly ESNA Business meeting. Agenda to come out next week. Visit our Calendar at any time for upcoming neighborhood activities
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