Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rep Aaron's Coffee Hour

State representative Aaron Michlewitz is starting up his coffee hour sessions this Spring, with this first session being this Saturday over at Berkeley Perk from 10am until Noon.   Stop by and meet your representative in an informal setting.  Chat.  Ask questions.   Voice concerns.   Get into.  Or just say Hi.

Aaron's invitation is below, as well as some other near-by dates and locations if you can't make Berkeley Perk on Saturday

Aaron will be starting up his coffee hours for the Spring starting this Saturday. I have listed the schedule below. As we gear up towards the fall election we are trying to have a good showing for these gatherings. We would greatly appreciate your attendance at these coffee hours, even if its only for a short period of time. It will also give you a chance to meet the newest addition to team Michlewitz, Maria Puopolo, our new Legislative Aide.
Thank you all for your continued support. If you're around please stop by and say hello!
Thanks again everyone and hope to see you this spring!


Saturday March 31st 10am-12pm
Berkeley Perk, 69 Berkeley Street

Saturday April 21st 10am-12pm
Mohr & McPherson

Saturday May 12th 10am-12pm
The Appleton Street Bakery, 123 Appleton St

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chevron approved

The ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) has approved construction of the new building at 514 Tremont.   This is the 6 story building that will replace the Dutch Candy building at the corner of Tremont and Dwight.

Details can be found in this Boston.com article

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ringgold Park updates

Spring is almos there, and like the bird and flowers, the great folks of Friends of Ringgold Park are making their return and gearing up for the return of warmer weather.

Friends is on the lookout for some new board members.   If you enjoy the park, live near the park, or just want to get a little more involved, the boar dof Friends of Ringgold is looking for new members!!   Contact ringgoldpark@verizon.net to join or for more information.

Upcoming events:

  • Community meeting on playground improvements.  April 5, 6:30, Blackstone community center. We are excited to announce that the City of Boston is holding a public meeting to discuss the 2012–2013 playground improvements to Ringgold Park! The meeting will take place at the Blackstone Community Center, 50 West Brookline Street, 2nd floor. This is your opportunity to comment on the playground renovation design, so please mark your calendars and plan to join us!
  • April 7 - Spring Cleanup!!! We have our spring cleanup scheduled for Saturday April 7th from 9 to 12. Please stop by the park for a few minutes or hours to lend a hand as we tidy up after winter. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided.
  • April 8 - Spring Easter Egg Hunt - if they get volunteers!!!  Contact ringgoldpark@verizon.net to help out or for more information.  If volunteers can't be found to help organize the event, they won't be having a hunt this year...
  • May 6, 12:30 - Fountain Plaza Opening Celebration. Please join us for our opening celebration of the new fountain plaza in Ringgold Park! Mayor Menino, Parks Commissioner Toni Pollock, City Councilors, Parks employees, and Ringgold friends and neighbors will join together in the park to admire the newly constructed fountain. Refreshments will be provided — please stop by and say hello!

To keep up on all the latest park news, visit http://ringgoldpark.org/news-events and sign up to have news delivered to your inbox or your favorite RSS reader

Monday, March 05, 2012

March Eight Streets business meeting

Hi Everyone!

Our next monthly Eight Streets business meeting will be this Wednesday, March 7th in the Boston Ballet 5th floor board room (corner of Warren & Clarendon streets)

6:30-7 - Neighborhood Networking.   Meet your neighbors in an informal setting.
7-8:30 - Business meeting.

On the agenda this month:

  • Construction Updates
  • Open member discussion
After 3 months of full/busy meetings, we have a shorter agenda this month.   Several local homeowners/developers we be updating us on some local projects.  These are either already permitted, or they do not need neighborhood support, so no votes will be taken.   These are just courtesy updates so neighbors know what's going in the 'hood.    Projects include 21 and 59 Dwight, ans 26 Milford.

This leaves plenty of time for open discussion.   If there are any neighborhood topics on your mind, come down and discuss!

Hope to see everyone there!

Vote - Primary is this Tuedsay

A reminder that this Tuesday, March 6th is presidential primary.   Anyone who is a registered voter can vote.   Polls are open 7am-8pm.    Eight Streets voting location is the Cathedral High School gym - corner of Waltham and Washington streets.

South End Patch provides a nice summary of the ballot items:
  • If you’re enrolled as a Democrat, you’ll only have one choice on the presidential primary ballot, President Barack Obama.
  • If you’re enrolled as a Republican, you’ll have seven choices, (in order on ballot) Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachman and Newt Gingrich.
  • If you’re enrolled as a member of the Green-Rainbow Party, you’ll have three choices, Kent Mesplay, Jill Stein and Harley Mikkelson.
  • If you’re not enrolled in a political party, you’ll be able to vote in the primary of your choice, and you’ll remain unenrolled after voting.
  • In addition to the presidential primary, you’ll also be asked to select candidates for State Committee Man, State Committee Woman and Ward Committee. The candidates will vary depending on your Ward and party affiliation.