Carts are best for those abutting the Dwight street alley (PA705), or those that can store the cart inside their buildings. Carts cannot be left on the sidewalk. If you don't have space for a large cart like this, you can continue to use clear plastic bags.
Nov 9 last day to request cart. No winter cart deliveries.

Public Works has a limited supply of recycling carts. In order to be eligible for a cart, you must live in a residential builidng with 6 units or less. You must have space on your property to store the cart, and you must bring it out to the curb by 7AM on your recycling day for collection, and return it to your property after it has been emptied.
Please put your address on the cart.
Carts that are not being used properly will be removed by Public Works
If you need a recycling container but don't have space for a cart, you can still request stickers to convert trash barrels of your own.
To request a recycling cart or recycling stickers, please call (617) 635-4500, or visit recycle.
Remember: Recycling carts are for recycling only!
NOTE: Only buildings with between 1-6 units are eligible for carts. Landlords or property managers of larger buildings (7+ units) are required by law to provide recycling service to tenants. If you are a tenant and would like to make sure your building sets up a recycling program, please call (617) 635-4500. Thank you!
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