Monday, July 26, 2010

Shovel that sidewalk!

If you haven't caught the news today, a Mass SJC ruling today has made a ruling on snow removal and liability. (Full article in the Globe). Before the ruling you were not liable if you never shoveled your walk, or if the sidewalk was covered with ice from "daytime melting and nighttime freezing". This means if someone slips and falls for any snow & ice reason, you can be held liable.

This ruling does not change the city rules - by city ordinance you must still shovel your sidewalk. but in the past if you did not shovel, or if you shoveled poorly, or didn't sand after a re-freeze, the worst that could happen is a city ticket. Now you can open yourself up to a lawsuit. (The ruling also changes the law retroactively - perhaps your friendly blogger can sue over his torn rotator cuff. hmmmm)

Not that we want anyone sued, but perhaps this will inspire more people to clear their walkways in a timely manner...

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