Our next business meeting is Tuesday, April 12th, at Project Place (Corner of Washington & East Berkeley). Enter in the door next to Meyers and Chang Please arrive before 7:30, as the external doors lock at that time.
Meeting format:
6:30-7 - Social Networking. Meet your neighbors in an informal setting.
7-8:30 - Business meeting.
- We open with our first guest. We use their space every month, but what exactly is Project Place and what do they do in our community. Mr. Andrew Malloy joins us to explain project Place's mission.
- DPW Superstar Frank O'Brien joins us again for a discussion on Streets and Sidewalks. Maybe we can get some needed repairs to our infrastructure....
- Our business focus will be Foodies Urban market. See what Foodies has to offer, and give some feedback about your experiences.
- We'll wrap up with neighborhood Updates, including some updates from Watson park - what their plans are and how you can get involved. Plus a sneak peak on some Summer neighborhood activities!
Hope to see everyone there.
Remember to visit us on Facebook as well - get more local notices and photos from all our events.
Hope to see everyone there!
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