On Wednesday April 27th the City Council will hold a hearing on Public and Private alleyways in Boston. the hearing takes place in the City Council chambers, 5th floor of city hall. This hearing begins at 6:00pm. The hearing is sponsored by Councilors Arroyo and Linehan
We spoke of this hearing at the last meeting - the topic of this hearing is geared toward alleyways that are drive-able. All Eight Streets alleys are walkable-only, and will not be discussed at this meeting. Our only drive-able alley is already public - PA705, between Dwight and East berkeley. (And if you missed the meeting - is due to be re-paved this season!!)
At issue in this hearing is the maintenance of alleys. As the South End was built, some rear alleys were turned over to the city to become city property; while others remained private. Private alleys allow the owners flexibility over use of the alley, but maintenance and snow removal must also be privately paid for.
Today, if the owners of an alley would like to turn the alley over to City control, the alley must be brought up to City standards, meaning in a state of good repair, ADA compliance, and conform to other city regulations. This can be cost-prohibitive for the owners. This hearing is to discuss this specific issue.
From the hearing flier:
The public is invited to attend and learn form city officials:
How alleys are designated as public or private
What jurisdiction the city has in providing services for private alleys
What duties private property owners have in upkeep and maintenance of private alleys.
Please feel free to attend the hearing. Even though it is not an ESNA issue, it is a South End issue of concern to many residents.
A Boston.com article on the issue
can be found here.
[Update] Two post-meeting articles can be found here:
South End Patch,
Universal Hub.