Speaking of snow, thanks to all ESNA residents who are clearing away all this snow. Most of the sidewalks are looking pretty good, given the amount of snow we've been getting. NA leaders are in contact with DPW to try and get some of the larger snow accumulations in the neighborhood removed, but as you might expect, the entire city is asking for the same. But many City snow piles are blocking crosswalks, which can create a safety issue.
Please remember to help your neighbors whenever you can. The 3rd storm in as many weeks is taking a toll on all of us, so help out any neighbor who might needs some shoveling assistance. Don't forget crosswalks, trash cans and mailboxes when shoveling as well. That can sometimes include re-shoveling crosswalks when the plow comes around again. With no warm weather on the horizon, any path we shovel now we'll be stuck with for a number of weeks.
Even more important is clearing our Fire hydrants. As you've seen in the news, Firefighters have had numerous instances of arriving at a fire only to have to waste valuable time digging out hydrants. While most of our hydrants have had a basic shoveling, remember a firefighter needs to work around the hydrant. They need a path from the hydrant to the street (we tend to shovel form the sidewalk tot he hydrant, but the firetrucks are in the streets, not on the sidewalks). They also need to have access to attaches hoses, so at least 3 feet on either side of the hydrant are needed. The image on the left shows a hydrant that has been cleared well. The city has a database of Hydrants and Catch basins. Check out the site here to find where these resources are in our neighborhood. *Flash required to see the map)
The city snow page are your resource for the latest snow emergencies, trash pickup delays, and other weather related information.
And, as always, stay safe.
Is there any chance the city will be coming though, closing some streets, and clearing some snow out?
No. Boston doesn't do that....
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