Monday, October 31, 2011

Taylor street construction hearings

We have two neighborhood construction projects in the works, both of which abut Taylor/Watson park.  Both of these projects have hearings before the Landmarks District Commission on this Tuesday (Nov 1).  While both projects are currently scheduled for our December meeting, some abutting neighbors might be interested in attending these public hearings.

Both of these are Advisory Review hearings.  This means Landmarks is not taking any kind of vote or issuing any approvals.  Construction projects ask for an advisory hearing to basically take their early designs before landmarks to say "This is what I'm planning on doing - what's your opinion".    This allows projects to get Landmarks feedback before they spend time and money on detailed plans.  Landmarks then gives their feedback on the project's current direction, allowing the project to make any modifications to the project before the official Landmarks hearing.

Since this is an advisory hearing, there is no neighborhood association feedback as of yet, but this is an opportunity for residents to see a project in it's early phase.   I don't know what kind of (if any) feedback form residents is allowed during an advisory review.

Unfortunately, although a stone's throw from each other, the two hearings are scheduled 3 hours apart...  The hearings take place at City Hall, room 801.  After 5:30, enter city hall via theCongress street entrance.

5:30-6:00 - Advisory review of 8 Taylor street - "proposal to add onto the wood-clad townhouse at 8 Taylor st, which includes an addition onto the adjacent vacant lot at 10 Taylor st."   (10 Taylor is currently used as a driveway for 8 Taylor, and is enclosed by a stockade fence).  The hearing should cover both height and materials of the proposed addition.

9:00 - Advisory review of 251 Shawmut ave (Abandoned building at corner of Shawmut and Milford).   This hearing is for the external building changes.  This hearing will discuss extending the large plat windows on the first floor around to the Milford side, adding oriels, and recladding the external wall the faces the park.  The hearing will not address their request to change zoning of the 1st floor from Commercial to Residential.  ESNA should be taking that issue up at our December meeting.

Again, both these items are currently on our December agenda.   Another blog/email will go out before that meeting to give you extensive project detail for both projects, as each one will be coming to the NA to ask for our support for their projects.   These Advisory Review hearings are for direct abuters and interested parties to get  more information.  If you can't make the hearings, you'll still get all the project information and get a chance to vote on the proposals at our December meeting.

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