Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Safety discussion at May ESNA Meeting

Hi Everyone,

The next Eight Streets meeting is a little over a week away. This month we're going to have a focus on neighborhood security and safety.

Last year Eight Streets worked with Old Dover and Boston Police (BPD) to try to tackle a drug problem that had moved into the area. Unfortunately, as good a job as BPD was able to do, the Spring has brought a resurgence of the problem. What we're seeing this spring is an increase in Drug sales in the Old Dover neighborhood, near Washington/East Berkeley/Harrison area. And with drug sales comes drug use. We're seeing those who want to use or just hang out starting to congregate in Peters Park, Berkeley Garden, and in our ESNA walkable alleys.

At our May meeting, BPD Community Officer Sgt. Provenzano will join us with members of his team. We'll discuss some of the issues we have in the neighborhood, how BPD is working with ESNA and Old Dover to help tackle the problems, and what steps residents can take to ensure our neighborhood remains safe. We hope you'll be able to join us - watch this space for the official meeting notice this weekend.

In the meantime, just remember to always keep an eye out for suspicious activity. Remember to lock your doors, and don't leave valuables in your car. Use your common sense, and report suspicious activity to police. (more on that in the next blog entry).

Thanks to Dave and Jodi who are stepping up and taking an active role in ESNA and helping out with Safety. Many of you have seen their flier in your door, and I look forward to having them continue to work with BPD and Old Dover. And a nice warm ESNA welcome to those visiting the blog for the first time after seeing their flier! I hope to see you at the May meeting!

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