Monday, October 27, 2008

Elections are here

In case you've been out of the country for the past many months, you know Election day is a week from now - Tuesday, November 4th. All of Eight Streets is in Boston's Ward 3, Precinct 7. We vote at Cathedral High School gym, at the corner of Union park and Washington street, a short walk away.

Aside from the much publicized presidential race, we do have a few other offices up for election. These other offices are just as, if not more important than the presidential races.

  • Incumbent Senator Kerry is up for election, facing a Republican and Libertarian candidate.

  • Incumbent Congressional Representative Michael Capuano is running unopposed.

  • Our State Senator incumbent Dianne Wilkerson did not make the primary, and is not on the ballot, although she is staging a 'write in' campaign in some of her districts. For those supporting the nominated democratic candidate Sonya Chang-Diaz, this would be an important vote for you. On the ballot itself, Chang-Diaz is facing Socialist party candidate Leonard

  • Incumbent State Legislative representative Sal DiMasi is running unopposed.

  • And, of course, the three questions that have been making news will also be on the ballot. We suggest you read the questions beforehand so you know whether to vote Yes or No on each question before you enter your polling location.
The complete ballot that you will see on election day can be seen it here. If you are one of our avid readers outside of Eight Streets, you can find out where to vote and who your candidates are through the state's My Election Information pages.

Polls are open on election day 7am until 8pm, so we hope you can find time to vote!!! And bring a book (or PDA) with you, as Presidential elections tent to bring long lines.

We list these races for educational purposes. ESNA does not endorse any candidates. If you like an incumbent, then vote to re-elect them. If you do not like the incumbent, then cast your vote to a challenger. If an incumbent is running unopposed, and you suport the uincumbent, voting FOR them can show neighborhood suport for the candidate. Not voting for the only name for an office can be a method of demonstrating unhappiness with a candidates performance.

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