Monday, April 14, 2008

City Roots grant program

Short notice form the city, but the City Roots grant application process is open, with applications due APRIL 18th. Application can be found here. They also have a seperate grant program for a Youth Crew. City description of the program:

City Roots is a small grant program for neighbors, community groups and youth groups who would like to work together to beautify a public park, vacant lot, street, apartment complex or private front yards in their community. There is one application specific for adult neighborhood groups and one application specific for youth crews. Those interested in applying should complete the relevant application and submit it by April 18, 2008 to Rachael Dobson, Urban Ecology Institute, 355 Higgins Hall, 140 Commonwealth Ave., Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Phone: 617-552-6792.

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