Friday, January 22, 2010

Free H1N1 shots at BMC

H1N1 Flu Shot Clinic, Wednesday, January 27, 9AM-3PM - Boston Medical Center will offer a free, community H1N1 flu shot clinic in the Menino Pavilion lobby located at 840 Harrison Ave. The vaccine will be available for individuals age 24 months and older. Those who should not get an H1N1 vaccine include people who currently have a fever or those who have an allergy to eggs, a history of Gillian-Barre Syndrome and have experienced a severe reaction to a flu shot in the past. For more information, call Maureen McMahon, BMC Disaster Coordinator, 617-638-6317 or

Mind your car valuables

UNiversal hub blogs this post about 12 car break-ins in South Boston. A reminder to not leave GPSs, Laptops or any electronics in your car. Or better yet, leave nothing in your car that might be attractive to someone passing by.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

State Senator Diaz at Ellis

Our neighbors at the Ellis NA extend this invitation:

The Ellis would like to extend an invitation to you all to attend our board meeting this coming Tuesday, January 26 at 6:30PM. The meeting will be held at the Boston Ballet building (19 Clarendon Street) in the 5th floor conference room. We will be hosting Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz and we believe this will be an important meeting for all South End residents to voice any concerns/issues as well as ask pertinent questions. This meeting is open to all so we hope you will join us.

1. State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz

2. McKinley School - Christine Stella, Program Director, McKinley Elementary & South End Academy

3. Executive Committee Update

· General Updates

· Approval of Prior Minutes

· Treasurer’s Report

4. Committee Updates

5. Other Business - Stuart Street Planning Study

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

No January meeting - what's next?

There will be no January Eight Streets meeting.

We may not get any voting business for February, so I’d like to ask the NA if there are topics you’d like to discuss. I didn’t get many responses when I polled about activities for December. It would be nice if NA could be more than just business issues, but lately unless we have a hot or controversial topic, the meetings have been thin.

What topics or activities would inspire you to get more involved in the neighborhood?

In other upcoming news:

- Next Tuesday, 1/12 is the last day to get your Christmas tree recycled. If you put it out this Friday or after the 12th, it will be taken away as trash
- Tuesday the 19th is the special election for the US Senate seat. Keep an eye out for televised, radio and web debates between the three candidates.

- John Mc